Selfie? No thank you

There are several celebrities who refuse or do not agree to take selfies with fans.

Not all celebrities are willing to give a moment of happiness to those who admire them and who have made these people famous in many cases.

gif Selfie No thank you

Kirstie Alley, the actress has already said that she hates selfies and that no fan could take a picture with her.

Jennifer Lawrence: "If you're having dinner with someone and a fan comes to see me get up and take a picture, I have the right not to want to say no," she told CNN.

Prince Harry, the royal family member even told an Australian fan not to try to take selfies with him and that although the fan was young, such pictures were a bad trend.

Anna Wintour, Vogue's chief editor never took a picture with a fan.

Lord, the singer wrote on twitter that she does not realize what it is that entitles a person to photograph or film her and says she does not accept that they do.

Amy Schumer, the comedian and actress had a caricature incident with a fan who demanded, violently, to take a picture. Amy has already said that after that she will no longer line up in selfies.

Justin Bieber, the singer said through Instagram that he often felt like an animal in the Zoo and does not like being photographed by fans.

Amy Poehler, the actress told People Magazine that she finds the amount of selfies you see on the Instagram ridiculous and that you do not like to see yourself in the photographs that you take.

Kanye West, although the rapper has already taken some pictures with the fans, Kanye appears always in a bad mood.

Miley Cyrus: "I do not know how to react when someone wants to take a picture with me, I do not know how to smile and I do not like it," she told ABC News host Barbara Walters.

Maisie William: "When I meet someone I love I do not want to take pictures with this person, but rather live with her," the actress told Nylon magazine.

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